32bit Convert It 16.08.01
2bit Convert It is a Unit Converter. You can type in values for a unit of measurement while the other units dynamically change to become equal in measurement. In the main window, you will see the tabs, [Length], [Area], [Volume], [Mass], [Density], and [Speed]. Each tab will contain the different units for measuring the unit type. Once in a tab, you will see a better description of the item in the top left corner. You can choose how to display the resulting values by choosing from the [Express Result as:] section. You can choose how many decimal places to display by selecting the number from [Round Decimal]. Select [No Trailing Zeros] if you do not want any trailing zeros at the end of the resulting values. Press the [Clear] button to clear the contents from all unit fields. When you go from tab to tab or even close the program, 32bit Convert It will remember the values in each field so that when you come back, the values will still be displayed as you left them.