ddrMon is a network tool that can be used to debug or monitor a network or see if host computers are online. Addrmon can PING (Packet INternet Groper), Traceroute or Monitor a single or multiple host computers simultaneously. PING a computer to determine whether a particular IP address (host) is reachable online by sending out a packet and waiting for a response. Send a user defined number off ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) packets at a specified time interval. Monitor a host by a continuous sending of ICMP packets at user defined intervals. Receive e-mail notification after a user-defined number of slow or lost packets. TraceRoute the real-time path to a remote host by viewing the IP addresses or resolved names of all the routers in between. The Monitor Grid give you a snapshot view of all of the hosts. Addrmon is a small but useful utility that is easy to use and customizable. Best of all AddrMon is available free of charge and runs fine without installing anything! AddrMon doesn't create any new registry-keys, change system settings or create hidden files on your computer. Simply remove the executable, configuration and help file and AddrMon is completely removed from your computer.