App Icon Maker
imple utility to create app icons for iOS, Android and Windows from a single image.
Select a single PNG, GIF or JPG image to convert it into all the different sizes required by the various platforms.
Platforms supported: Android, iOS, Windows Phone, Windows Desktop.
Background colour selectable where transparency is not available.
Output files:
icon-ldpi.png - 36x36 transparent PNG (low DPI)
icon-mdpi.png - 48x48 transparent PNG (medium DPI)
icon-hdpi.png - 72x72 transparent PNG (high DPI)
icon-xhdpi.png - 96x96 transparent PNG (extra high DPI)
icon-xxhdpi.png - 144x144 transparent PNG (2x high DPI)
icon-xxxhdpi.png - 192x192 transparent PNG (3x high DPI)
PlayStore.png - 512x512 transparent PNG (image for Google Play store)
icon-60@3x.png - 180x180 RGB PNG (iPhone 6 Plus)
icon-60.png - 60x60 RGB PNG (iOS 7.0+ iPhone / iPod Touch)
icon-60@2x.png - 120x120 RGB PNG (iOS 7.0+ iPhone / iPod Touch, retina)
icon-76.png - 76x76 RGB PNG (iOS 7.0+ iPad)
icon-76@2x.png - 152x152 RGB PNG (iOS 7.0+ iPad, retina)
icon.png - 57x57 RGB PNG (iOS 6.1 iPhone / iPod Touch)
icon@2x.png - 114x114 RGB PNG (iOS 6.1 iPhone / iPod Touch, retina)
icon-72.png - 72x72 RGB PNG (iOS 6.1 iPad)
icon-72@2x.png - 144x144 RGB PNG (iOS 6.1 iPad, retina)
icon-40.png - 40x40 RGB PNG (iOS 6.1 Spotlight)
icon-40@2x.png - 80x80 RGB PNG (iOS 6.1 Spotlight, retina)
icon-small.png - 29x29 RGB PNG (iPhone Spotlight and Settings Icon)
icon-small@2x.png - 58x58 RGB PNG (iPhone Spotlight and Settings Icon, retina)
icon-50.png - 50x50 RGB PNG (iPad Spotlight and Settings Icon)
icon-50@2x.png - 100x100 RGB PNG (iPad Spotlight and Settings Icon, retina)
itunes - 1024x1024 RGB PNG (iTunes store)
+Windows Desktop (6 sizes)
+Windows Phone (2 sizes)