Awesome Password Generator 1.3.2
wesome Password Generator is an easy to use application for quick generation of common passwords or Wi-Fi (WPA) passphrases. Just launch the generator and a shiny new password will be copied in the clipboard automatically!
* Common, "general purpose" passwords for e-mail, online accounts and any desktop applications;
* Wi-Fi (WPA) passphrases for your wireless devices;
* Easy-to-type passwords like p-zuus2Dzx, not c]57%/z&Q9;
* Passwords without confusing characters like 0 (zero) and O (oh);
* QuickGen: on Windows 7/8 you can generate passwords via taskbar button's menu.
For system administrators/IT-professionals is is also a powerfull tool for single or bulk password generation, with console version for using from scripts (examples in batch and PowerShell included :).
* GUI single/bulk password/wi-fi passphrase generation;
* Easy-to-type and Exclude confusing characters options;
* Quick and secure: Copy to clipboard automatically and Clear clipboard on exit options;
* Console version: apg-cl.exe has same functionality as GUI version. Do not mess with command line options - just run GUI, set up password length, quantity, charsets and other options as you wish, and click Command line builder. Run apg-cl.exe with generated command line parameters;
* This is a free software with open sources (GNU GPLv3).