BASIC 2 DOSBox 1.2.0
his handy tool copies the selected versions of BASIC (QBasic 1.1, QuickBASIC 4.5, QuickBASIC Extended 7.1 and/or Visual Basic for DOS) with just a few clicks to your hard drive and creates configuration files and shortcuts. Ready to use with DOSBox!
BASIC 2 DOSBox should run on all modern Windows OS's (both x86 and x64), such as: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 and Windows 10
Tested with these OS's:
Windows XP Professional Service Pack 3 (x86)
Windows 7 Ultimate Service Pack 1 (x86)
Windows 10 Pro Version 2004 (x64)
BASIC 2 DOSBox v1.2.0 - new features and bug fixes (2021-03-17):
Added: Optional inbuilt DOSBox Installation
Fixed: Whitespace issue in Folder Paths
Fixed: Possible issue with slashes while unzipping
Changes: 1.2.0
Fixed: Whitespace issue in Folder Paths
Fixed: Possible issue with slashes while unzipping