Business Accounting Software
usiness Accounting Software is automated accounting software that maintains and manages company financial accounting records, customer/vendor records, inventory management, sales/purchase order and other accounting entries of your business. Software is useful for all type of business organizations to manage financial records of your company at one place. Accounting utility maintains sales/purchase details, income/expenses details and other accounting information. Financial management program provides facility to create new company records with option to modify or edit accounting details. Software provides facility to protect company accounting information from unwanted users by using password protected feature. Software is useful for creating various types of reports like sales order, purchase order, income record, expenses details and other financial information.
Software features:
1. Software provides password protected feature to prevent unauthorized user access.
2. Financial accounting software helps to manage accounting and inventory details of your company.
3. Software is capable to generate various reports like such as sales order report, purchase order report, income and expenses report, item report, ledger report etc.
4. Software provides option to take backup and restore the data to prevent data loss.
5. Accounting software is useful to prepare financial year report including Balance sheets, Trial Balance and profit/loss reports.
6. Software is useful to maintain accounting reports like accounting statement, cashbook, daybook, bankbook, journal book and debit/credit note report.
7. Software provides freeze data facility to prevent any type of modification in existing financial records.