Copy Protect Web Plugin for WordPress 3.2
his plugin enables the insertion of CopySafe Web encrypted images into WordPress posts and pages from the WordPress page editor. Without this module adding HTML to activate a browser plugin would be an arduous task, even for experienced developers.
By simply adding a CopySafe Web encrypted image, copy protection can be applied to the web page its media including video (but not PDF), protecting them from all copy, PrintScreen and screen capture. When editing a page or post, you may insert the short code by clicking on the [C] icon above the HTML editor toolbar where the cursor was last placed in the text area. After uploading or selecting an existing image class file (from a previous upload), you can then nominate the security settings to use for the page or post. Different pages can use different security and display settings.
CopySafe Web provides the most secure image protection imaginable. CopySafe Web encrypted images cannot be saved, downloaded, copied or captured. Nor can the encrypted images stored on the server be used anywhere else except for display on your web pages. By adding a small encrypted to any web page all media on the web page can be copy protected from PrintScreen and screen capture.
First released in 1999 CopySafe Web provided the most secure copy protection for web pages until the release of the ArtistScope Site Protection System (ASPS) in 2014 which protects all avenues of exploit, even from data and memory extraction. However ASPS requires a dedicated/virtual server and CopySafe Web can be used on any web page anywhere, making it ideal copy protection solution for all hosted web sites. In fact CopySafe Web will also run from disk when used with software like ArtistScope Portable Media (APM).