CSV2QBO Converter 4.00
SV2QBO (CSV to QBO) Converter. Convert CSV files downloaded from your on-line accounts to QBO Web Connect format suitable for QuickBooks import. CSV2QBO is small, lightweight, multi-platform, and simple to use. It runs on your desktop without requiring any password information or access to your accounts. Process bank accounts and credit cards accounts, allowing you to import from banks not supporting QuickBooks import.
What can I do with CSV2BO?
- Download transactions from banks that do not support QBO or QuickBooks online download and import into QuickBooks
- Edit banking transactions with Microsoft Excel or other spreadsheet program and re-import into QuickBooks.
- Transfer account transactions from other financial programs directly into QuickBooks
The advantages of importing transactions with QBO rather than via IIF files are that you can select the account to import transaction into at the time you import the transactions into QuickBooks, and QuickBooks remembers what transactions were previously read and will not re-import them.