Database Tour
atabase Tour is a universal database tool. It works with relational databases like Oracle, PostgreSQL, Interbase, Firebird, SQL Server, MySQL, SQLite, Access, Excel, Visual FoxPro, dBase, Paradox, CSV, HTML etc.
Key features:
-Accessing different types of databases.
-Creating tables.
-Viewing and editing data.
-Printing data.
-Expression builder for export expressions.
-Building and executing SQL queries.
-Support for execution of multi statement SQL scripts.
-Syntax highlighting in SQL editor.
-Support for parameterized SQL queries.
-Enhanced database grids, which allow to view and manipulate the data in the most convenient way, including sorting by clicking column header, changing row heights, resizing columns etc.
-Searching and replacing text in database with ability to choose fields, record range etc.
-Importing data to table from another table or a query.
-Exporting data from open table or query to file(s) like text, CSV, HTML, XLSX, XML, RTF, DBF or to another relational database.
-Copying data to clipboard.
-Calculating numeric fields (sum, avg, min, max, count).
-Viewing and editing Blob data, such as large text and graphics.
-Tools for editing text fields (trimming, changing case of symbols, replacing text).
-Sorting data.
-Filtering data according to user's criteria.
-Viewing table and database structure with ability to print, copy, sort it.
-Reindexing tables.
-Customized data view (font, background).
-Conditional formatting data in database grids.
-Ability to control transactions.
-Storing database and SQL history.