DataHelp Convert MBOX to PST 1.0
ecommended converter tool to transfer MBOX to PST without data loss, use this software to perform conversion of MBOX file/files into PST format. Moreover, tool support bulk conversion of MBOX files means the user can transfer MBOX folders to PST at once without having any difficulties. Merge entire MBOX files into a single or multiple PST files. Converter MBOX to PST software provides multiple import options 1: Drag & Drop 2: Browse, to add MBOX files into software panel before performing conversion of MBOX. By using the converter tool user are able to transfer selective MBOX file or the entire folder of MBOX files into PST format to access MBOX email data into Outlook email application. It is Windows based utility support all Windows versions including Windows 10 as well as support MBOX file of 20+ email application. DataHelp Software provides demo edition of the software by using the demo edition user can check key features of the tool. The free Demo edition will transfer first 10 items each folder.