eskAngel is an enhancement tool for Windows. It is simple, portable and totally free. It contains following features:
1.) Directly scroll the document under cursor, whenever it is actived or not.
2.) Maximize and restore the window under cursor by clicking the wheel/middle button of the mouse.
3.) Auto scroll the document by pressing the wheel button down and rotating one step.
4.) Toggle a window topmost by right clicking on its titlebar.
5.) Transform 'left + right click' to 'alt + right click', to enable the translator feature for Lingoes or Babylon without touching keyboard, etc.
6.) Adjust translucent rate of a window by pressing 'left ctrl+alt' and rotating mouse wheel on it.
7.) Dragging the mouse to capture a screenshot and save it to clipboard or save it into a file and return the file path in clipboard.
8.) Hide cursor while typing.
9.) Edge snap is like 'Aero snap' of 'windows 7', which makes windows snapped at the edges of screen.
10.) Show icon only on taskbar.
11.) Change cursor style while moving window.
12.) Roll up a window by double clicking on its title bar.
13.) Turn off monitor. Default hotkey is win+o.
Check the completed features: