Digsee Curating Pro 1.1
igsee Curating Pro is a desktop, laptop- and palm-based database management software for medical materials distribution and marketing networks that is aimed at more effective management of local activities, increasing scope of sales and assessment of effectiveness of products and materials. The software system creates and processes lists of distributed products and materials, lists of medical organisations involved in distribution, doctors, pharmacies, as well as estimates of capacities of products and materials. Each entry of local representative to the database is a feedback on visits to clients, it is sent to the central office through palm-mobile telephone or modem and is used as a yardstick for evaluation of local representative efficiency, demand and deficiencies of particular products and materials.
The system has the following software platform with GUPTA SQLBase and high-performance PC client/server for administrator and local levels.
Quick and powerful client/server development system
Complete set of commands allows your access to the database
Standard interface for many databases
Simple command structure for data access and manipulation
Design and printout of various types of reports
Import and display data and graphics for different sources
ODBC connectivity: dBASE, Paradox, Oracle, Rdb, AS/400, DB2, etc.
High-performance PC client/server database
Laptop-to-LAN-server scalability
Simple installation, operation and maintenance
System optimised for graphical environments
Enterprise-wide compatibility and connectivity
C enables access and manipulation
Support: DOS, OS/2, Windows, Windows NT, and Novell NetWare
Hardware/Software Requirements for Remote Users(Representatives)
Notebook or Palm PC with installed Windows and Microsoft Exchange client, SQLWindows deploy, Curating Pro client application working with local databases
Hardware/Software Requirements for the Office (System Manager)