DiscBuild 1.0.3
iscBuild allows the user to assemble files and folders (directories) that can be used to burn a disc. The application does not do the burning. It will identify sizes of files and folders and then allow the user to move selected items into a target folder. The application displays a tree of the computer's files and folders on the left-hand side, and a list of files and folders to move on the right-hand side. The following three steps are then followed. Select left-hand files and folders to move by using the 'Add file' and 'Add dir' buttons, or by pressing ENTER. This will add the selected item to the right-hand list of items to be moved. Select a target folder in the lower right-hand corner. Select 'Go', or press F4, to move the list's items into the target folder. The combined (total) size of the files and folders to be moved is reported as the list is being assembled.