Do not forget Do not lose 1.0
he "Do not forget - nothing to lose" allows you to organize information in any convenient form. For a description of your data structure used tree directory. Possible to add any number of branches. Rapid movement of the branches. To store the information needed to describe the structure. For example, for a person: sex, height, weight, date of birth, passport number, etc. For car: brand, year, engine type, etc. After describing the structure of the program is to create the necessary fields, where you can record information. Information can be entered in a tree, and a "flat view". When we translate the form into a "flat map", we have all of the features shown on a single table. That is very convenient for mass data input! If in reality you move items in the program of this product need to "drag and drop" from one branch to another branch. The program is very powerful, flexible, easy and exactly unparalleled! Usage: product inventory to the enterprise; moving equipment; accounting product with serial numbers; accounting information and people; firms; buildings; animals on the farm; storage performance components and assemblies; storage of passwords, birthdays and so on. Applications a great variety! The program is absolutely free and is distributed freely. The program develops. The program can be run simultaneously several operators. There are more powerful program, which takes into account all changes in the data and the log maintained. Any version of the program for the Microsoft SQL Server. More information about the program, see our website See screenshots. The program contains the default demo data. The first time you work out work on the demo data. The program supports many languages. Any of your suggestions will be considered and will be answered shortly. Quickly make any improvements. Any of your feedback, we are interested.