Emailchemy 12.0-Win64
mailchemy converts email from the closed, proprietary file formats of the most popular (and many of yesterdays forgotten) email applications to standard, portable formats that any application can use. These standard formats are ideal for importing, long term archival, database entry, or forensic analysis and eDiscovery.
- Converts proprietary email formats to the official Internet standard format for maximum compatibility
- Convert all your old email files with a single product with a cross-platform solution that runs on Windows, Mac, and Linux
- No need to re-install or run old email programs
- Convert Windows email files on a Mac or Linux computer, and vice-versa
- Industrial-strength accuracy relied upon by law enforcement and forensic agencies
- Embedded IMAP email server to simplify importing
- Utilities for splitting, sorting and merging email archives, and harvesting email addresses
Emailchemy can read:
AOL for Mac (v3 and newer)
AOL for Windows (PFC files)
AOL Desktop for Mac
Apple Mail
Claris Emailer for Macintosh
CompuServe Classic for Macintosh (MacCIM)
CompuServe for Windows
Entourage (Database, .RGE and cache files)
Outlook for Mac (8.x, 2001, 2011, 2015, 2016)
Outlook for Windows (MSG, PST and OST files)
Outlook Express for Macintosh
Outlook Express for Windows
Outlook Express for UNIX/Solaris
PowerTalk/AOCE for Macintosh
QuickMail Pro for Macintosh
QuickMail Pro for Windows
Windows Live Mail
Windows Mail
Yahoo! Mail
any UNIX-style or mbox-format mailbox
Emailchemy can write:
Apple Mail folders
Outlook for Mac OLM files
Entourage Archives (.rge files)
Thunderbird folders
MBOX files (RFC-2822 mailboxes)
EML files (folders of .eml message files)
CSV files (comma-separated value files)
IMAPdir (Binc IMAP maildir)
Maildir++ (Courier IMAP maildir)
Use Emailchemy's IMAP server with Outlook to create PSTs!