Epilog for Windows 1.6.0
pilog for Windows is a program that facilitates the central collection and processing of Windows text-based log files. Epilog for Windows also supports date stamped log files such as IIS, ISA, SMTP and Exchange message tracking logs. Log information is converted to tab delimited text format, then delivered over UDP to a remote server.
Epilog is currently configured to deliver audit information to a SYSLOG server running on a remote (or local) machine. A configuration utility allows you to set the appropriate syslog target and priority, as well as the target DNS or IP address of the server that should receive the event information.
Epilog, and Snare are currently used by hundreds of thousands of individuals, and organisations worldwide. Snare agents are used by many large Financial, Insurance, Healthcare, Defence, AeroSpace, and Intelligence organisations to meet elements of local and federal security requirements, such as:
* ACSI 33
* GLBA (Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act)
* Sarbanes Oxley (SOX)
* C2 / CAPP
* DCID 6/3
* DIAM 50-4
* DDS-2600-5502-87 Chapter 4
* NISPOM Chapter 8
* California Senate Bill 1386
* USA Patriot Act
* Danish Standard DS-484:2005
* British Standard BS7799
Epilog is free software (freeware), released under the terms of the GNU Public Licence (GPL).