eQcolorama 1
Qcolorama software is especially for designers and artists. A new way of finding colors and building palettes. Based on an 'extended' spectrum, mixing 'out-of-sequence' colors with multiple input, test and save options. Uses + & - 15 degree analogic, + & - 135 degree triadic and complementary color variants in both RGB and HSL for each color plus an option to see 80 variants of each color based on 6 tones and varying amounts of red, green and blue. There are tone, saturation and hue sliders for finer adjustment, a 3 stage zoom for greater accuracy and tone selection to gain access to all 16+ million RGB colors. A viewer allows loading of any image to use to test the 16 color palette. Includes example paintings, test abstract images and sample palette CSS files for importing into Photoshop etc.