FirmTools AlbumCreator Pro 3.5
reating a photo album never was that easy!
AlbumCreator lets you create online albums from your digital photos using unique and highly professional Flash and HTML theme templates. You can customize the existing templates, create your own or download additional ones. The program also includes editing tools to enhance your photos, remove red eye, adjust colors, apply watermarks and more. It supports EXIF data, so you add EXIF information as image comment or image title. Album Creator Pro includes a simple FTP client that lets you upload the finished album to your web site. You can choose between several Flash themes and a variety of HTML templates, each of them unique and sophisticated. Additional features include lossless rotation and direct import of photos from your digital camera.
Changes: 3.5
[ ] New
[-] Fixed error
[*] Changes
[!] Built-in FTP module is improved and now uploads[!] Important
[ ] New
[-] Fixed error
[*] Changes
[!] Fixed compatibility issues with the Microsoft
Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1.
[!] Fixed compatibility issues with Microsoft Windows
XP with the latest system updates installed.
[!] Fixed compatibility issues with Norton Internet
Security Suite (march 2005).
[ ] Detailed generation log added to better track
possible errors.
[*] "What's new" startup dialog box removed.
[*] Automatic descriptions filling can now be disabled
(IPTC and EXIF can be enabled separately).
[-] Fixed reading unicode image meta data.
[-] Fixed reading JPEG files with corrupted EXIF data.
[-] Fixed error with resizing 48-bit RGB images.