Fix rss feed for wordpress 3.1
ix rss feed plugin is a wordpress plugin, and it can fix wordpress rss feed error "Error on line 2: The processing instruction target matching "[xX][mM][lL]" is not allowed." while you burn wordpress rss feed from, also fix error "XML or text declaration not at start of entity" in firefox, and fix error "XML declaration not at beginning of document" in opera.
version: 3.1
release date: 2011-08-10
plugin url:
download url:
Author:flyaga li
Support Email:
Donate link:
Requires at least: wordpress 2.5
Tested up to: wordpress 3.01
Relative Posts: Wordpress how to correct rss feed in the Error on line 2: The processing instruction target matching "[xX] [mM] [lL]" is not allowed error?
Change log:
2008-12-30 release v1.0
2009-02-04 release v1.01, fixed some errors, add create backup files before change php files, thanks for Willem Kossen’s advice.
2009-02-16 release v1.02, fixed some errors
2009-05-24 release v1.03, add "check wordpress rss feed error" button, thanks for Wanda’s advice.
2010-02-12 release v2.0, add backup and restore function.
2010-09-19 release v3.0, need not to modify error in php files directly, it will use a good and simple way, it just modify wp-blog-header.php in blog directory.
2011-08-10 release v3.1, only open Donate url in first usage time, thanks for Colin Reynolds’s advice.
Install steps:
1. Upload to your plugins folder, usually `wp-content/plugins/` and unzip the file, it will create a `wp-content/plugins/fix-rss-feed/` directory.
2. Activate the plugin on the plugin screen.
3. done