Foxit Phantom PDF Suite V2.2.0.0926
oxit Phantom is a business ready PDF toolkit, with everything you need to create professional PDF documents and streamline business processes: fast, easy to use, and at a price that fits your budget.
With Foxit Phantom you can create standards compliant PDF files from hundreds of files types up to 3 times faster than with competitor tools. The lightweight application with a tiny footprint means you can download and install Foxit Phantom in a flash and reliably view any PDF document that comes your way.
Version 2.2
Bug Fixes and Improvements in Foxit Phantom PDF Suite 2.2:
•Enhanced the security of digital signature to make sure the new version doesn't have the recently reported digital security flaw and keep valuable information from any possible exploits.
•Enhanced security with ASLR & DEP support
The current version of the Phantom includes Address Space Layout Randomization, ASLR, which uses a random algorithm to determine a memory address used to store key file data. A second security feature is Data Execution Prevention, DEP, which simply prevents executing code from a non-executable memory location. ASLR and DEP combine to highly improve Foxit Phantom Security and provide a stable platform for enterprise, business and consumer, Foxit Phantom users.
•Fixed the bug where wrong time and date are displayed on special stamp in certain time zones