GTD Timer 2015
roductivity Scientific GTD Timer is the World's first software countdown timer entirely focused on GTD (Getting Things Done) approach.
Main features:
- Simple but powerful user interface optimized for ergonomics and keyboard keystrokes
- Built-in presets including support for David Allen's GTD Two Minute rule and Pomodoro Technique
- Supports countdown and stopwatch modes
- Highly configurable for custom needs
- Supports multiple running copies at a time
- Powerful actions included
- Allows to count overtime, automatically restart or exit application
- Supports launching from command line with command-line parameters
- Shows time countdown in System Tray and in a floating window
- Configurable to play sound, display message or run command when countdown finishes
- Countdown may be paused, stopped or restarted
- Time tracking features
Supported OS: Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/7/8/8.1
Usage scenarios:
- Stay focused on your tasks with Pomodoro Technique
- Track time spent on any activity
- Use GTD Two-Minute rule in your work
- Use the timer to limit time budget for any task
- Watch time left for completion of some particular task (presentation, auction, rest break, working day)
- Use the timer as a personal reminder, alarm clock, stop watch oven timer or egg timer
- Run commands at a specified time (shutdown PC, navigate to links, run programs)
Changes: 0
+ Time Report feature
+ Time Tracker preset
+ Improved time input window
+ Editable timer message