pen Source software for creating a profile of the protocol and parameters of any physical device. You can also easily create user interfaces for the profile. The device profile then enables other Gurux software to collect information from the physical device and control it. With GXDevice Editor you easily create and modify device profiles and their user interfaces for Gurux GXDirector. Device profile is a template that contains protocols, settings and messages understood by the device. New device types can be used immediately, without any upgrading. You can create several different templates of the same device, according to the needs of different users. Make, for example, two versions; one for only reading values and another, that can also write them back to the device after editing. You need no programming skills, everything is done with an easy to use user interface. GXDevice Editor is perfect for companies that need device control software that can be rapidly implemented. Device manufacturers as well as production plants benefit from using GXDevice Editor. The devices can be anything from small embedded systems to large production machinery. Add new device types with no programming skills needed. Supply different versions of the same device, according to needs of different users. Provide new templates to your customers fluently in electronic format, when needed, without software updates. The one and same software for production, quality control, customer environment and product development.