our attention gets the exclusive and unique program Horoscope of Druids! Unlike other similar programs-horoscopes, developed strange producers, this program consists of 22 descriptions of horoscope and from the remarkably neat delightful images of trees!
The horoscope of druids, urgent also gallic, counts more than 2 thousand years. Druids are priests at ancient Celt, which were not only doctors, by teachers but also prophets, - gave a large value influence on a man, his character, state of the soul of the forest, trees among which they had to live. On persuasion of druids, everybody, as well as tree, the lines, dignities and failings, are inherent, which requires the certain terms of life. A very important value was also given by druids to winter and summer opposition of a Sun. Position of a sun in relation to Earth served as for them foundation for a horoscope. In accordance with him the fate of man, his future, character and capabilities, as druids considered, depend on the delete of a Sun from Earth in the day of his birth. That is why every sign in the horoscope of druids has two periods of action...