IMAP Extractors 1.0
MAP Extractors (IMAPE) is a software product designed to extract attachments, email addresses and messages from IMAP server folders and to make an archive of the files extracted. IMAPE is a very convenient and efficient solution for companies that receive messages with orders, forms, or updates sent as attachments. You can use IMAPE to create an archive of attachments received with messages from certain individual and corporate clients, messages with specified subject or, received within certain time interval.
IMAP Extractors is a very effective and reliable tool. Using IMAPE considerably reduces the time for the processing of the post bases of in comparison with manual or semi-automatic processing messages and completely excludes mistakes.
IMAP Extractors has the friendly graphic interface and the easy to use wizard will help you to extract e-mail attachments from any IMAP server folders by several mouse clicks.
- Very simple in use
- Multi-accounts processing
- Subfolders processing
- Advanced folder naming
- Advanced file naming
- Automatic mode for scheduling
- Possibility to process only new messages by using saved projects
- One-Click processing with saved projects