Interactive Dali Screensaver 1.1
nteractive Dali Screensaver is a new original toy. You can have fun with objects on Dali's painting, build your own pictures and save them. It's another, innovative way of looking at art. nScreensaver based on world famous Dali canvas "Dream Caused by the Flight of a Bee Around a Pomegranate One Second Before Awakening". It includes 33 pre-defined mixes and "Editor mode" (press [Pause/Break] key) that allows you to change original painting.nUsing your imagination and playing with objects, you can create your own Dali-like state-of-art pictures. After saving your pictures you can use it as a default screensaver. With full registered version you will get: 1. Saving your pictures! 2. Create your own pack of pictures & play it as default screensaver! 3. Exchange packs with your friends!