International Mileage Charts 1
hese International OSM charts are intended to complement our existing
North American and European charts, but cover all countries in the world.
To do this, they are calculated using OpenStreetMap data computed using
the pgRouting engine.
Cities are chosen as the 1000 largest cities with a population of at least
1000. All countries with at least two cities fitting this criteria are
included. The exceptions are the US and UK - the two countries with OSM road
networks that are too complex for pgRouting.
Each chart is supplied as an Excel 2007 .xlsx spreadsheet file with one
worksheet listing the shortest route distances in kilometers. Cells are shaded
according to routability. Pink is used for routes cannot be calculated, whilst
beige is used for cities that cannot be matched with the road network.
Each of these charts list the cities down the left side and along the top.
Moving the scroll bars will scroll the main data area whilst keeping
the city names visible on the left and top.
Guide lines are marked in blue to aid reading.
This archive contains directories for each of the six continents:
AF - Africa
AS - Asia
EU - Europe
NA - North America
OC - Oceania
SA - South America
Individual charts are named using ISO 2 character country codes -
eg. "DE" is Germany and can be found in the "EU" (Europe) directory.