iStonsoft HTML to ePub Converter for Mac 2.1.0
ith the popularity of portable reading devices, reading eBooks is getting an indispensable part of our life for passing time. Most of us would like to view HTML web page news or short stories rapidly with eBook readers. Regrettably, many popular eBook readers don’t support HTML files. To resolve this problem, you’d better convert HTML to ePub.
Key Features:
1. Convert HTML to ePub for Mac. Convert HTML files to ePub format on Mac for easy reading on various mobile devices compatible with ePub.
2. Reserve Original Elements. Mac HTML to ePub Converter helps you to preserve all the original elements of the HTML files after conversion, such as text, graphics, images, hyperlinks and layout.
3. Batch conversion. You can convert any number of HTML files to ePub eBooks at one time. Save time and effort by converting several HTML files to ePub files at once.
4. Excellent Performance in Conversion. Processing excellent performance in conversion processing and super-high conversion speed will satisfy you greatly.
5. Easy to Use. Convert HTML to ePub on Mac with 3 simple steps, and support drag-and-drop operation.