JavaScript IDE WebStorm 6.0
he smartest CSS, HTML and JavaScript IDE for Web Development is at your fingertips. Navigate through files easily. Use relevant autocompletion for everything in your code. Get notified about code problems on the fly. Complicated language mixtures with HTML markup or SQL inside a JavaScript? Check how a modern IDE such as WebStorm handles this.
- Smart DOM-based autocompletion
- JavaScript 5 support, "use strict" mode
- HTML5 Support
- Zen Coding
- LESS & SASS support
- JavaScript Debugger
- JavaScript libraries organizer for the smartest autocompletion
- Extended JavaScript Frameworks support
- Language Mixing
- FTP and Remote Files Synchronization
- Git & Mercurial support
- Spell Checker
- Node.JS support
- CoffeeScript support
- ECMAScript Harmony Support
- JSLint integration
- JavaScript unit testing with JsTestDriver
- Smart Duplicated Code Detector for HTML, CSS and JavaScript
- HTML5 Boilerplate and other Web Application Templates
- Significant improvements to FTP/SFTP Sync
- TFS support and revision graph for GIT
- Streamlined UI across all operating systems
Changes: 6.0
The Javascript IDE now includes:
- TypeScript, Dart and CoffeeScript support with automatic compilation/transpilation to JavaSctipt and full-featured debugging with source maps.
- Improved Live Edit with support for HTML5 live editing.
Faster HTML and CSS coding, with support for Emmet in the editor.
- Revised approach to handling JavaScript libraries
- Fresh IDE look and feel, and Darcula, a new native dark UI theme for the IDE and the editor.