Joomla 1.6.1
ebuilt from the ground up in much of the application using the MVC (Model-View-Controller) design pattern, this latest Joomla release will delight the casual site builder while helping small, medium, & enterprise businesses succeed in delivering web sites, intranets & applications to their respective markets. Joomla! 1.6 delivers new features to end-users and site administrators. Finer access controls levels (ACL) make possible granting viewing and editing privileges for configurable user groups. The section/category content organization is replaced with nested categories. The language support was expanded for the easy production of multi-lingual web sites. The installation improvements allow the installations of multiple extensions in one package, they can be updated with a single click now. Similarly to the content items, start and end publishing times can be specified for the modules. Fresh new templates were added and semantic markup was implemented, easy on the eye as well as the search engines. In addition to these, many new features were added.