KeySim 1.0
ey Sim simulates keystrokes.
It is used to automize programs which do not have command line options.
Key definition:
You can define the keystrokes in the text box.
Automatic save:
KeySim creates a file KeySim.txt in the folder where it has been started. This file holds the key stream definition.The file is automatically saved when keysim shuts down.
Key codes:
Key codes are like for the VB sendkeys command (see README)
Other features:
{RUN cmd} sends the command cmd to a shell. The program cmd is started in the background
{WAIT} pauses the key sending for (very approximately) one second
{ACTIVATE wname} activates the window with the title wname. The title must be exact, don't forget white spaces etc. After the activate command, keys are sent to the activated window.
{EXIT} ends the program.
Command line option:
The command 'keysim go' sends the keys one time before the KeySim window opens.
Uzipping the zip file will create keysim.exe, a sample KeySim.txt and the README file. There is no installation, double-klick keysim.exe to start the KeySim.