Manage your bank accounts and budgets easily and fast.
* Clear view of the accounts with easy to use search, sort and grouping
* Future-proof data storage through XML data format
* Interface to your existing data through flexible import
* Simply change, categorize or tag large amounts of data through batch processing
* Extensive graphical output, such as revenue / spending comparison, asset history, monthly summary of revenue and spendings
* Clearly divided by categories and subcategories
* Accurate categorization using breakedowns
* Universal consumption and price tracking for any items such as Mileage and fuel consumption of your auto
* Quick entry of recurring bookings through templates and auto-completion
+ Excel Export für Kontodaten und für Auswertungsdaten
+ Neue Suchfunktion die potentielle Duplikate aufzeigt
* Einige Verbesserungen für den Betrieb auf Hochauflösenden Displays