La Boss Key 2
simple yet powerful tool for your privacy and productivity needs. Satisfied customers have made "the Boss" their program of choice. Keep your internet surfing habits, email, and application uses private. Unexpected visits and interruptions are handled gracefully, no awkward moments. Hide windows and applications. Hide tray icons. Mute the sound volume. Hide wallpaper, desktop icons, and more. Eliminate random popups while windows are hidden. Terminate the current running application. And More! Restore windows again with a keyboard shortcut or with the new mouse Hot Clicks and Hot Zones! Stealth features hide windows and "the Boss" so they are not displayed in the windows taskbar or in the task manager and cannot be activated by pressing Alt+Tab. Use the data clean tool to remove computer usage artifacts and private data. Recent files, browser history, cookies, recycle bin, swap file, and more can be cleaned out to provide you a comfortable baseline of privacy.
Eliminate desktop clutter. Hide frequently used applications when not in use. Reorder your favorite applications in the taskbar so they are exactly where you want them, all the time. Manage the tray icons by changing their order, hiding them, and more! Change the video display when working in applications that need different settings. Launch applications. And More! Customized shortcuts give you finger touch control. Become more productive than you have ever been! Ready to run out of the box. No complicated manuals, no learning curve. Just install, use the shortcuts, and breath easy! Deceptively simple to use yet so powerful. Learn as you go. No similar privacy tool provides you more control, more features. Download now! Let "the Boss" work for you today! Buy later if you decide!