Log Parser Lizard 8.1.0
og Parser Lizard is a log parsing and data querying desktop tool. Designed to support information security teams with powerful SQL querying against structured log data such as web server logs, Windows system events, application log files (log4j, log4net, nlog, serilog), CSV, TSV, JSON, XML, etc. LPL can also query databases on remote servers such as Microsoft SQL Server, SQLite, MySQL, OLE DB and many other data sources. LPL also provides a great Graphical User Interface (GUI) to Microsoft Log parser 2.2, an advanced file parsing engine from Microsoft that runs on all versions of Windows.LPL is great for data visualization, business intelligence (BI), reporting and extract, transform, load tasks (ETL) too.
Run SQL queries against plain text files and other sources just as you would any SQL compliant database:
FROM firewall.log
WHERE action='DROP'
FROM c:webserver.log WHERE sc-status = 501
SELECT cs-uri-stem, COUNT(*)
FROM c:InetPubLogsex*.log
GROUP BY cs-uri-stem
SELECT to_lowercase(extract_extension(cs-uri-stem)) AS PageType, SUM(sc-bytes)
FROM ex131118.log, ex131119.log
LPL is a simple desktop utility for enterprise grade-data mining. No cloud or web server needed. Any file is a database with Log Parser Lizard.