MaterialNet 7.38
aterial inventory managment for manufacturer, factory, distributor handling MRP, raw material logistic and distribution services.nWeb remote access feature: maintain operation during outbreak since employee can work away from office individually. Risk management solution for your staffs and business. nPurchase Vs sales analysis, which is used to find out the cheapest product supplier and generous customer, hence improving company's sales revenue and profit margin.nInventory report group by Item, Brand name and product description. Leftover reports with different grouping, by article no, item, brand name, description, supplier and specification, FIFO, storage breakdown, storage charges calculation, low level alert and stock checking by location. Export closing stock report for accounting audit at the year end to save manpower and time to re-type by excel.nExpiry date alert avoid expires and waste of day limited items. Storage days report reduced the storage day and hence minimize depreciation percent.nReports of all stock-in and stock-out movement grouping by item, customer, brand name, supplier, delivery order, recipient and job order. Which is used to act as an audit checking against supplier deliveries and customer invoice amount or quantity.nMulti languages with Chinese / English Bilingual interface and reports, more applicable for multi-national companies with business association with China.nRemote Access MaterialNet Database over internet, able to view record details from overseas. (with user's own Window XP or Server) Multiple user access to the database at the same time. Workgroup and multi-user functionality. User right limitation restrict junior staff reading sensitive figures and report.nTrial logon username:demo password:123nrequire microsoft access 2007 runtime to run n from version 4.28 onward nuser is able to made their own change on the design. nWhatever layout or report