Message Mirror 5.31
essage Mirror is one of the tools you must have on your phone. Message Mirror can help you:
- Find deleted messages and call log.
- Restore deleted messages to INBOX and SENTBOX folders.
- Backup messages and call log.
- Secrete private messages.
Message Mirror monitors all incoming and outgoing messages (SMS and MMS) and call activities on your phone and backups them in a database. The database is a "mirror" of your messages and call log. Therefore you can browse messages and call log in this application even if you have deleted them from phone. You can also export all messages and call log to a file. You can send the file to PC/Email/MMS address/Phone storage. Type of the file can be TEXT, HTML, CSV or XML. Besides, you can set a password to restrict access to Message Mirror - this way you can make your private messages safe.