micro_continuity_works 1.0
icro-Continuity is a newer concept in internet marketing, and it has been brought to light recently by Russell Brunson. The one important thing you need to know here is that it is not something that was pulled out of thin air. The concept of Micro-Continuity is one that is based on several years worth of research, and actually cost quite a bit of money. The investment was worth it though, as it brought in a huge amount of money, and many businesses are now switching to this model.
But why would Russell Brunson share this amazing system? Why wouldn't he keep it all to himself? Believe it or not, many brilliant men have been asked why they share their systems, and it is always the same: money. If there is one thing you can trust, ti is a human being's desire for money. It is strange because you would think food, clothing, and shelter would be the driving force behind humanity, but no, it is money, and that seems to be all there is.