MiniAide Fat32 Formatter 2.0
s of now, fat32 formatter has worked on disks 2TB.
Interfaces tested include IDE/PATA, SATA, eSATA, USB and Firewire
The formatted disks work on windows 2000 XP Vista Win7, Mac, Linux, the iPod (40gb), various Nas boxes and mediaplayers and Norton Ghost 2003
Fat32 formatter works on Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003 and Vista Win7. Note that Windows 9x/Me are not supported and do not work, but you can use the format.exe supplied with them instead.
If you have problems creating partitions bigger than 137GB on an ATA (IDE) disk connected to the motherboard, make sure you have SP1 or later and an LBA48 compatible bios. Check your motherboard site for a bios update.
Vista And Win7
fat32 formatter works with Vista and later. The UI has changed a bit when creating drives and UAC makes the whole process a bit more cumbersome.
A couple of people asked me about 64K cluster size. There are compatibility problems with this, as 16 bit set up programs sometimes assume that the cluster size will fit in a 16 bit integer. When calculating disk space, they thus end up with a value of zero. Fat32format disables cluster sizes bigger than 32K for this reason. However, some people need this, so the current version has the check disabled. You still need to force the cluster size by hand though.
1. Fat32 Formatter added support for bytes per sector values of other than 512
2. Fat32 Formatter format volume to fat32,support up to 2TB bytes volume
3. Fat32 Formatter support windows vista and later