MochiGames PHP Script ZDR 1.00
quot;MochiGames PHP Script ZDR" is web site, ready for use, for flash games. These flash games are downloaded automatically by "MochiGames PHP Script ZDR" from MochiGames media. The use of the games is free, you can use your own Mochi Publisher ID and take money from MochiMedia by their terms and conditions (this is your responsibility). Also the site is prepared for publishing your adsense ads. To use this site properly you need only web hosting with PHP and allowed function "file_get_contents" to work with remote files. The games are listed in categories and stored in local directory. (around 30 000 flash games)
The site is available in the following Languages:
Free MochiGames script, free php mochi games, free mochi script, free mochigames php script.
You can add or modify your own translations in the files from directory includes/languages/
If you have any other translations, please send them at zdrsoft[ at ], I will include the new translations in the script package. Thank you.
At the top of each game is placed my banner with dimmensions 468x60px (in iframe). All other banners and ads area are for you. With using "MochiGames PHP Script ZDR" you AGREE to keep the banner above each game and credits links to and
The URLs in the web site are rewritten, so you should use web hosting with enabled mod rewrite.
PHP5 compatible.
Unix/Windows compatible.
Script is register globals Off compatible.
Script works without MySql DataBase.
No programming is required.
Multilanguage support.
1. Windows / Unix
2. Apache
3. PHP 5 and above
4. Mod Rewrite enabled