Multiprecision calculator 1.2
ultiprecision calculator with definition of functions and variables.
* Multi-precision calculations library based on Java's BigDecimal class.
* Allows you to define user functions and variables.
* Allows you to derive algebraically, simplifying the solution in a basic way.
* Allows you to work with several threads in order to leverage the power of systems with several processors (when basic operations to be calculated can be parallelized).
* Its multi-language (Spanish, English, Catalan, and Russian are supported).
* Its multi-platform (programmed in Java).
* Possibility of using the graphical user interface.
* Possibility of using the command interface application (to be able to invoke from a shell).
* Includes detailed documentation.
* The source code is available (open source).
* Having JRE-8 installed (Java-8)
Changes: 1.2
* Dark mode option