Munnin 2.2.041
unnin is an ultrafast eBay browser that makes bargain hunting easy and brings powerful market research tools into your hands for all English and German-language eBay sites. A simple interface means you can manage an unlimited number of items and search favourites, find last-minute bargains, misspelled and wrongly listed items and much more. Buyers benefit from the powerful bargain finding features, available across all eBay categories. It also provides automatic notification of newly listed items, including an option to show only Buy It Now listings, so you can see them before anyone else. Sellers benefit from the very powerful completed items search, with many features not available on the eBay sites, and the ability to monitor specific categories and other sellers automatically. Build long-term analysis of areas of interest, and compare your sales against your competitors. All eBay data is permanently stored, so you can see old listings long after the information has been removed from eBay.