NCBI Blaster- NCBI BLAST automation tool 1.0
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NCBI BLAST is a bioinformatics software program used to find regions of similarity between two or more DNA sequences. It is used to find functional and evolutionary relationships between the sequences. A NCBI BLAST search using multiple query sequences (e.g. gene predictions from a genome sequencing project) typically generates a large data set that must be explored for functional or evolutionary patterns on interest. NCBI BLAST can be filtered using a priori significance thresholds followed by manual inspection.
Our software application automates the NCBI BLAST search of multiple biological sequences and automatically downloads the output (GBK files) to disk.
NCBI Blaster can run on any version of Windows from Windows 98 to Windows 7 and also on Mac via Parallels or Bootcamp. It does not install additional libraries, updates, DLL, Java or registry keys into your system.
- Send queries to NCBI BLAST server
- Retrieve result page from NCBI BLAST server
- Automatically download GBK files
- Show results table
- Let user sort the table
- Show alignments
- Integrates with DNA Baser Sequence Assembler
- Analyze results
Changes: 1.0
New: Open Windows Explorer in contig's folder, after sequence assembly.
New: Remove vectors from single chromatograms.
New: SEQUENCE ANALISYS - mark al bases with a confidence level (QV) below a specified threshold, in red.
New: Batch convert from chromatogram to Fasta with vector removal and automatic metadata integration.
New: Resizable chromatograms.
Full support for low quality sample ends editing.
100% compatible with Mac via Parallels/Bootcamp/VMWare.
Improved handling of corrupted/invalid ABI/SCF files.
Improved contig editor.
Improved file association.
Improved 'Assemble to reference'.
Improved log window.
Improved file handling: Before starting the contig, check if all files in the JobList are valid. Invalid samples are automatically removed from Job List so the assembly process can continue without human intervention. Build a list of invalid files and report it.
Improved user interface: new toolbar, improved embedded help, interactive help, workflow...
Improved sample viewer: 'Mark as trusted/un-trusted' can now be used also in Sample viewer window
New: Show error message while trying to open empty/invalid FASTA files
Improved: Correctly handle multiple contigs resulted when assembling to a reference.
Improved: menu 'Save as Fasta/Seq/Scf' was replaced with 'Save all as...' and 'Save selected as...'. Now the user can choose where to save the file.