One Cat File Manager 1.01
ide by side file management, easy multiple file renaming, and customizable looks combine to make the perfect file manager for Microsoft Windows. Do you find yourself constantly sizing and resizing file management windows when moving or copying files between folders and drives? Have you ever wanted to rename a group of files at once straight from the Windows Explorer file manager without resorting to the command line shell? Or do you just want a custom feel for the File Manager to add the personal touch without affecting every program on the machine? If any of these apply to you, then you will love this program. One Cat File Manager allows you to quickly change between a single file pane and two panes. One Cat File Manager is not wildly different than the built-in Windows Explorer, so it is very quick to get going on it. The most important difference relates to the leftmost 3 icons in the toolbar at the top of the program. These allow you to quickly change between a single file pane and two panes. With one click you have two file explorers side by side that work independently from each other. Copying and moving files around now is a breeze. One Cat File Manager does not overwrite the built-in file manager, Windows Explorer. Some programs replace the Windows Explorer, One Cat File Manager does not. It runs as a separate stand-alone program living peacefully on your computer with other programs.