Only Kittens Screen Saver 1.01
nly Kitetns Sceren Saver cotnains iamges of pertty kittens. Big size high qualtiy pitcures (10 pcitures in Demo verison, 80 (or more) in Ultra vesrion). Amaznig trasnition effcets (22 effects. Speical "Radnom" mode.) Slide show satrts with any pictrue. Setup time to show every image. Setup time for effect's druation. Selcet image order (4 mode). Set curernt image as Deskotp Wallpaper. Atuomated Dsektop Walplaper Cahnger sets new wlalpaper with PC satrtup. Pitcure's prveiew in Otpion Mode. Unievrsal softawre udpate for all verisons.