PCMate Free EXE Lock 7.0.9
CMate Free EXE Lock is a safe and efficient EXE file encryptor tool that is specially designed to lock any executable programs on your computer to protect them from non-authorized execution. When protecting a program, PCMate Free EXE Lock modifies the binary executable itself, so that it first asks for a password and runs the program only if a valid password has been entered.
With secure cryptographic algorithms and optional encryption modes (Speed priority mode & Security priority mode), you can easily lock sensitive programs such as tax preparation software, personal finance program, etc. What's more, there is an option to add encryption to your right-click context menu to avoid repeated opening.
With PCMate Free EXE Lock, you can lock any EXE programs of games to prevent game addiction of your kids, password protect your Media Players to prevent the audio & video files from peeking, encrypt your web browsers to keep your privacy, important bank password used on the internet safe, lock chat tools so that no one can snoop into your private chat message and protect your important info from being opened, modified or made in a mess by kids... You can imagine how much more benefits you will get from it.