Pixelmeister 0.9
ixelmeister simplifies graphical user interface development for microelectronic TFT devices. Currently it emulates popular "UTFT" and proprietary "Pixels" graphic libraries. Pixelmeister helps you to make the most of UI modeling work without a need to upload/test program code on a target device after every UI adjustment step. With the tool it is also possible to convert images and TTF/OTF fonts into a compact format, can be used from a microcontroller program. There are versions for Mac OS X (64bit) and Windows (32bit and 64bit) instantly available. Binaries for other platforms like Linux, Solaris (and others if supported by Java SWT) need to be combined manually.
Changes: 0.9
- Optional Pixels TFT graphics library emulation. Supports preprocessor directives (#ifdef PIXELMEISTER, #ifndef PIXELMEISTER, #else, #endif) to maintain Java and C++ code within the same source file.