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  • GCULVERT Cast in place box culvert GCULVERT Cast in place box culvert 1.2
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    It automatically generates the construction drawings of the cast in place box and pipe culverts. The culvert consists of one or more rectangular frame pieces or pipes, 2 wings or a wing and a fall chamber.
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    Bilsoft v3 Pre-Accounting Program Bilsoft v3 Pre-Accounting Program
    Bilsoft v3 Pre-Accounting Program
    Simple interface and easy usage allow you to complete all your work with a single click without the need for process confusion.
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    Prism Plus Edition Prism Plus Edition
    Prism Plus Edition
    Prism Plus Edition for Windows is the most comprehensive and stable multi-format video converter available. You can convert or compress video files in quickly. Use Prism's batch conversion feature to convert thousands of videos.
    GCULVERT Cast in place box culvert GCULVERT Cast in place box culvert
    GCULVERT Cast in place box culvert
    It automatically generates the construction drawings of the cast in place box and pipe culverts. The culvert consists of one or more rectangular frame pieces or pipes, 2 wings or a wing and a fall chamber.
    SmartVision SmartVision
    SmartVision is free CCTV software that turns your computer into a surveillance system. Monitor and record events in real-time with features like object detection and motion detection. Track multiple cameras from one interface.
    Packaging Barcode Labels Tool Packaging Barcode Labels Tool
    Packaging Barcode Labels Tool
    Packaging Barcode Labels generator program is developed with advance features to design and print attractive looking and beautiful stickers, postcards and coupons with the help of bar code header and footer specification facility within few minutes.
    Storecalc Storecalc
    Simple warehouse software, warehouse calculator. It allows to organize elementary warehouse calculation for a small own business.
    SortPix XL - Photo Organizing Software SortPix XL - Photo Organizing Software
    SortPix XL - Photo Organizing Software
    Photo organizing software and duplicate photo finder - SortPix XL for organize photos and find duplicate photos. Organize your photos fast and easily with the photo organizer and duplicate photo cleaner.
    FotoSortierer XL FotoSortierer XL
    FotoSortierer XL
    Photo organizing software and duplicate photo finder - SortPix XL for organize photos and find duplicate photos. Organize your photos fast and easily with the photo organizer and duplicate photo cleaner.




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