QuickIconsDemo 1.4
ust few clicks and you are done!
Drag and drop an image to QuickIcons window, apply the visual effects and final touches and then save the icons for:
- iOS (inclusive iOS7 resolution png-files)
- Mac OS X (.icns and iconset)
- Android (ldpi, mdpi, hdpi, xhdpi, xxhdpi resolutions)
- Windows (.ico and png-files)
- Windows Phone (png-files)
- BlackBerry (png-files)
Download: http://www.neonway.com/apps/quickicons/
Enjoy it!
I have used it to make lots of icons with my lots of images. Nice job! It's a creative app! - david from United Kingdom
Changes: 1.4
_ iOS (inclusive iOS7 resolution png-files)
- Mac OS X (.icns and iconset)
- Android (ldpi, mdpi, hdpi, xhdpi, xxhdpi resolutions)
- Windows (.ico and png-files)
- Windows Phone (png-files)
- BlackBerry (png-files)