Report Miner Suite 4
xtract provides documentation for report files create using Crystal Reports (version 7.0 and above). The documentation can be produced in either a text file format or in a Microsoft Word
file format and will include:
- a Sample report (in the Word version only)
- Summary report information
- Database tables used
- SQL query statement
- Formulas used
- Group definitions
- Parameters
- Sections with formatting information
- Section Objects - each text field, database field, summary field, cross-reference or line used within the section.
All section objects are numbered and correspond to a reference number on the sample report generated.
The primary reports and all sub-reports are documented.
This is a demonstration copy of Extract and as such, will only display 3 formulas and only 3 items in each section.
Registering this software will allow all items to be displayed. - otherwise the programs are identical.
Report Miner Extract will read Crystal Report Files created with Crystal Reports version 3.5 - XI R2.