Scriptcalendar 7.00
n incredible javascript event calendar that displays events in a monthly format The Scriptcalendar is entirely javascript. No server side scripting is required. You can host the Scriptcalendar on any website. You'll discover that the calendar has an object oriented design. You can easily change the function and layout of the calendar by changing simple properties. You don't have to wade through line after line of javascript code to configure the Scriptcalendar. Also, if you don't want to configure it at all just use one of the layouts provided in the package. You'll also find that the Scriptcalendar is cross browser compatable. It works in the MSIE 5+, Netscape 6+, Firefox 1 +, Opera 7+, Safari 1+ and Mac IE 5.5+ browsers. The Scriptcalendar is customizeable through a CSS based layout. You change the colors and effects by modifying the cascading style sheet. In addition, there are several predefined themes that you can use today right out of the box. The Scriptcalendar allows you to have your events in XML format. You can export events from your database straight to XML. There is no other integration needed. You won't have to write code to handle integration with your backend. The Scriptcalendar was designed from the beginning to display daily events. That design seperates us from everyone else. You'll find it's easy to have several events in a single day. You simply write events for the same date and the calendar handles everything else for you. In addition, you'll have saveral features available to save you effort writing ! Recurring weekly events ! Recurring monthly events ! Multiple events in a single day ! Holiday events like Thanksgiving and Memorial Day. Plus, the Scriptcalendar calculates the Easter holiday for you. You'll save effort writing Easter, Good Friday, Ash Wednesday and Mardi Gras events. Along with Scriptcalendar you get a free event editor. This editor helps you quickly create and maintain your events. Request the demo version today.