SMT1 2019.01
MT1 is prediction-simulation software for EOD stock market traders. It generates all-in-one output forecast signal. This signal is combined from technical indicators, waves, and cycles data by Artificial Intelligence (AI) module. Also based on prediction accuracy, AI decides what time-frame signals to include. There are three types of output: (1) positive numbers for up trending symbols, (2) negative numbers for down trending ones, and (3) zero numbers for uncertain prediction (when AI is unable to provide a reliable prediction result).
SMT1 has the following benefits:
1. Its comprehensive AI forecast output is combined into a single list of ranked symbols. Such a simple concept enables most investors/traders to use the software easily.
2. The software recommends entry/exit prices that allows users just to place a limit buy or limit sell order for the next market day.
3. The software has a back-test simulation functionality that allows users to try different trading strategies.
4. Except a calculated sell signal, the software has an ability to maximize trading profit by optimizing additional sell-trigger parameters.
5. The software includes an extra feature to analyze a current position, recommend the action, track buy-sell transactions, and measure trading performance.
6. Since AI is able to optimize many settings parameters, the number of user-defined parameters is minimized so that users can save time.
Stock Market traders use different types of sell signal to exit position. Since exit signal cannot be reliable enough, some traders use stop loss and profit target to exit position. Addaptron Software has done numerous computer simulations to learn if adding more exit conditions can improve trading return. The research discovered that a better trading return in the long run can be achieved by using as many as four conditions for exit. This multi-trigger exit concept has been implemented in SMT1 as a new 4-Way Exit Method.